Don't miss out on claiming government grant funding
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Grant Funding Canvas™

We created the Grant Funding Canvas™ and Grant Funding Handbook™ to help you write your own grant application.

Download the Canvas and Handbook today and learn how to create a high quality funding application for your business.

Why are we offering this for free? We want to help every game-changing innovation to get the funding it deserves, with or without our services. That's our approach.

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We have learned a lot from our experience in securing funding for hundreds of funding opportunities. We are sharing this knowledge in our handy guide that you can use to get on the right track to being awarded funding.

The Grant Funding Canvas™ helps you to write a fund-worthy innovation project that presents your innovation in the right way for success. We share our tips and tricks on what information you should include in order to gain the highest score you can.
There are two versions of the Grant Funding Canvas™ - a blank one and one with prompts. There is an accompanying handbook to go with the Grant Funding Canvas™ that you can download to help you use the canvas and write your own grant application.
To get your copy of these, click on the button below.

Want to learn more about grants?

Here are our most commonly asked questions, answered.

Ready to get started?

Speak to us about your grant funding plans and we'll help you make it happen through effective and results-driven grant writing.